Skip Bin Loading Guide
Generally, the skip bin should only be loaded to a level flush with the lip of the skip bin.
However, we are happy to allow up to 6 inches to a foot above the lip of the bin. It should be no higher than this.
Longer items can be equal to the length of the skip bin and can be placed on top of the skip bin longitudinally (i.e. mattresses, bookcases and similar items). These should again be no higher than 6 inches or a foot above the lip of the skip bin.
Unfortunately, we can not take things like asbestos, poisons, oil, tyres, paint and batteries – click here to learn more about hazardous materials.

Things to consider when loading your skip bin...
When loading the skip bin, please recognise we only have a net and a strap. So stacking tiles at the open back of the skip, or throwing packing foam/bean bag filler on top will result in littering on our roads.
The benefit of our system is unlike a bin with a lid; you can fit in more than you would expect as it is a flexible way to hold the load.
However, the loading requires good judgment, and if you cannot fit everything you planned to throw away, you may need another skip from us.
Please give us a call in this case, and we can arrange a deal for you.