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island bins skip bin hire near me hobart


Please read prior to ordering

Due to weight lifting limitations, all heavy material (i.e. concrete, bricks, soil, sand, rubble, roofing and floor tiles, or mixture of the above) is restricted to 2m³.

3m³ bins may be possible in consultation with the company if the above material makes up the majority of the bin content.

Any and all questions promptly addressed. Thank you.

If your organisation or business wishes to place an order through an invoice request, please contact

If you have any issues placing your order online, call Kym on 0418 729 802.

Please direct any email correspondence to

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Standard bin hire 7 days, inclusive of drop-off and pick-up days (e.g. if we drop-off on the Monday, we pick-up the following Monday).
Additional days for the:

  • 2m³, 3m³, 4m³ bins is $10 per additional day over the 7 day hire.
  • 5m³ bin is $15 per additional day over the 7 day hire.
  • 6m³ bin is $20 per additional day over the 7 day hire.
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